Welcome to GNCC Rochdale

Recently, GNCC just moved into their a brand-new venue in central Rochdale: 4-6 The Walk, Rochdale, Lancs OL16 1EP. GNCC now meets at the above venue every Sunday at 3pm. GNCC also run various activities across the town such as a weekly book table outreach, sports activities and family fun days. To find out more about GNCC activities and gatherings, please email GNCC's leader Ram Shrestha on rampsdshrestha (at) gmail.com.

Recently, GNCC has welcomed UK Nationals as well as people from South Asia and Central America to its gatherings, and the team continues to meet new people through the free English classes which they run weekly. (Check their facebook page for current classes)

GNCC continues to run a book stall in Rochdale on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (weather permitting), to befriend asylum seekers and refugees who are connecting with the church, and are looking at finding new ways to connect with the local community from social activities through to evangelism and discipleship.

For more information go to the Good News Community Church Rochdale website >>